Yep, I'm a damned dinosaur when it comes to games. The new 3-d stuff is alright I guess, but I still find myself going back to the old stuff I grew up with.
Anyways, this is sort of a review over the few anthologies I've bought over the years.
So, here's a quick review/opinion article over some of them.
#1 Sonic Ultimate Genesis Collection
Price I paid: 16.35Number of games: "over 40"
approximate cost per game: $.41+or-
Worth it? : Totally!
So, I didn't exactly grow up with the Sega Genesis. My cousin had it and when we went to visit, I indulged a little and played. I did manage to get a Genesis when I was about 15, but traded it to a friend for some N64 games.
My main reason for buying the game was some of the RPGs on it. Shining force I and II are on it as well as Phantasy star 1-3 (You have to unlock #1 but it's doable.)
There's also plenty of good arcade games on this puppy. The original Alien Syndrome, Decap attack, Fantasy Zone and Gain Ground are on here. In addition, it has a pretty handy save state function for games that didn't otherwise have any kind, like streets of rage, the first sonic game and several others that simply lacked but needed a save ability.
There's also plenty of games for single or 2 players.
This is the kind of thing I love. Plenty of games and added features all for one simple price on one disk.
#2 Metal slug Anthology
The one I bought didn't have boxart...
Price I paid: $32.24 (USED)Number of games: 6 1/2* Read further on this...
approximate cost per game: $4.96
Worth it?: Uh, Yeah!
So, I have a bit of an unexpected Metal slug addiction, which is actually somewhat surprising, seeing as how I don't usually like many "Run-n-gun" games. But there's a long back story as to how I got into metal slug.
I was about 13 when my mom took me, my sister and two of her friends to this campground. They had this little arcade in the basement. There were 2 or 3 pinball machines (Addams family, Jurassic park and I can't remember the other one...) Galaga and metal slug 2.
I put in a quarter and got to playing and was taken by the graphics and gameplay. I was just wowed and had never heard of the game before.
Fast forward a few years later to college. A friend of mine had an X-box 360 and one of the games on the arcade was MS3. I had been reunited and was happy.
Anyways, The MS: Anthology comes with "7" games. Metal slugs 1-6 and Metal slug X which is just Metal slug 2 with some modifications, It's still the same game, just with some added bonuses.
The only problem is that (To me) The only ones that feel worth playing are 1, X,3 and 5. I don't know why but I feel that the other games, 2, 4 and 6 are mediocre at best.
There is something though. If you have a second player, it changes EVERYTHING. All the games become something different and it adds a nice Competitive Co-op mode.
#3 Mega Man Anniversary Collection - PlayStation 2
Price I paid: 12.99
Number of games: 8 + 2 games that can be unlocked
Approximate cost per game: $1.30
Worth it?: Hells yeah!!!
So, I grew up a massive fan of the Mega Man series. I had 2-6 on the original NES but after the house went down after the storm, I had a profound desire to play them again... That's when I heard about the collection on Gamecube and PS2. I bought it online and it fulfilled my robot bloodlust.
All the games I grew up with were there in their original format along with some other ones I had never played before.
I only played 7 a few times and I never even heard of 8
The first 6 were what I was accustomed to and they were in their original unaltered versions which made me happy. 7, which I had played maybe 2 or 3 times in the past, was alright. 8 was okay but I never got around to beating it.
Price I paid: 30.00? (But now I see it on amazon for PS2. NEW for 12.00)
Number of games: 6 + one game to be unlocked
Approximate cost per game: $5.00 or 10.00 per game I actually liked to play...
Worth it?: Let's talk about that...
Ah Megaman X. The grown up version of the thing I grew up with. A little darker, better graphics... I actually disliked the X series. But again, I grew up with 1-3 because I had the SNES and rented it constantly.
At the time of me buying it, I was in college and had some extra money holed away. I saw it on sale at Wal-mart and thought "Hey, It might be fun to get back into that." I was half right. The first 3 games brought back a sense of nostalgia. The catchy music, the decent graphics and neat enemy design made me remember what I did like about the series. And then there was X4 - X6.
Growing up, I didn't get a playstation until I was maybe 13, and even then, I only played it at my dad's house which I only went to maybe 4-5 times a year and it didn't have a memory card. The games I had were Crash Bandicoot Warped(good), Austin Powers Pinball ( Yech.) and Croc (Meh...)
I never got into the 4-6 games and looking back, I probably wouldn't have. The complex storyline, the desparate reaching for creative enemy design and dark edginess didn't do it for me.
And then there's the game that you unlock... a Megaman racing game. To me, it isn't good. It feels like a poor version of Mario Kart with Megaman characters. Meh.
The X Collection was my first introduction to the later X games and I wasn't Thoroughly impressed. It might be for some gamers, but not for me.
Well, That's it for now. Go play or something.
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